EP 141
5 Takeaways & 5 Predictions from What's Your Story? Season 4
with Matt Story
Matt Story | 12/24/2023
Wrapping up Season 4 of What's Your Story? with 5 takeaways and 5 predictions based on the 45 episodes of amazing stories shared with us. This season was filled with milestones from passing 100 total episodes to the most downloads of the pod for any season. While we celebrate the end of this season, we are already at work preparing for Season 5 (kicking off in January). 5 Takeaways
Your greatest obstacle can often be your greatest gift - Missy Toy Ozeas - Ep 11
Importance of separating scary from dangerous in your career decision making - Nathalie Walton - Ep 18
Make sure you have a seat at the right table - Lindrea Reynolds - Ep 26
Asking is your vision big enough - Bennie Fowler - Ep 32
Get the win on your terms - Alice Sesay Pope - Ep 42
5 Predictions
Being able to tell your story will no longer be a nice to have. Those that have spent the time creating their narrative to share with others will set themselves apart.
Society will follow in the footsteps of many leaders and begin redefining success. The stories we read and look different in 2024 when describing someone that has become successful.
Related to this, we will start to see words like boss and manager decrease in usage in place for leader, coach and guide. Upcoming talent (and existing talent) is not looking to be boss’d or managed.
All generations will begin to adopt the portfolio career approach. It could be taking on multiple different roles at the same time or transitioning from one expertise to another in place of spending 40 years in one industry. Work will dramatically change for all of us.
Leaders will include their boundaries as a key component of their goals. It will define the terms with which they are comfortable winning.
Follow the pod:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/PodWhatsYourSto
Follow my story:
Main site - https://www.mattestory.com/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattestory/
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mattestory
Twitter - https://twitter.com/mattestoryMatt Story|12/24/2023
Wrapping up Season 4 of What's Your Story? with 5 takeaways and 5 predictions based on the 45 episodes of amazing stories shared with us. This season was filled with milestones from passing 100 total episodes to the most downloads of the pod for any season. While we celebrate the end of this season, we are already at work preparing for Season 5 (kicking off in January). 5 Takeaways
Your greatest obstacle can often be your greatest gift - Missy Toy Ozeas - Ep 11
Importance of separating scary from dangerous in your career decision making - Nathalie Walton - Ep 18
Make sure you have a seat at the right table - Lindrea Reynolds - Ep 26
Asking is your vision big enough - Bennie Fowler - Ep 32
Get the win on your terms - Alice Sesay Pope - Ep 42
5 Predictions
Being able to tell your story will no longer be a nice to have. Those that have spent the time creating their narrative to share with others will set themselves apart.
Society will follow in the footsteps of many leaders and begin redefining success. The stories we read and look different in 2024 when describing someone that has become successful.
Related to this, we will start to see words like boss and manager decrease in usage in place for leader, coach and guide. Upcoming talent (and existing talent) is not looking to be boss’d or managed.
All generations will begin to adopt the portfolio career approach. It could be taking on multiple different roles at the same time or transitioning from one expertise to another in place of spending 40 years in one industry. Work will dramatically change for all of us.
Leaders will include their boundaries as a key component of their goals. It will define the terms with which they are comfortable winning.
Follow the pod:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/PodWhatsYourSto
Follow my story:
Main site - https://www.mattestory.com/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattestory/
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mattestory
Twitter - https://twitter.com/mattestory