EP 51
Appreciating the Vibrancy of Authentic Love
with Nicholas Love
Matt Story | 6/20/2021
Nicholas Love, VP of Digital Marketing at G&S Business Communications, was taught at an early age that preparation often finds opportunity and has spent much of his life putting this into action. While his path is not the specific one he imagined as a kid, he has built a journey that uniquely leverages his capabilities and super powers to make wide reaching impact. From his time as on-air talent for ESPN to helping brands navigate the ever-evolving digital media landscape, he has drawn from his collection of experiences to be ready for opportunities...many of which he has spoken into existence. Listen to hear how found himself covering the 2006 NBA Draft as an intern.
Episode References:- Jidenna - Classic Man
3 Stories Nicholas would want to hear:
3) Chadwick Boseman You can connect with Nicholas at:Twitter
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