EP 102
Becoming Anti-Fragile
with Brandon Hoffman
Matt Story | 3 /5/2023
Brandon Hoffman, co-founder and managing partner of Sunset Ventures, has had a non-traditional journey to finding his purpose and success. He credits his journey to helping him develop anti-fragility (vs. resiliency) and being comfortable with his non-consensus views on industries. Despite a number of challenges he faced growing up, he has been able to consistently develop strengths that he can now use to address the wealth gap in the U.S. through the intersection of innovation and investment. You have to listen to his story to learn how he has been able to leverage both the left and right side of his brain as a superpower.
You will learn:
the power of being anti-fragile over persevering through resiliency.
how a non-consensus perspective is not easy but will reward you over time.
setting a "faster" pace for your life early on can prepare you for all types of races you will find yourself.
Connect with Brandon at:LinkedIn / Twitter / Telegram @BHoff
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