EP 122
Compassion for Yourself
with Sandra Hunter
Matt Story | 7/30/2023
Sandra Hunter, Founder & CEO of Wild Women Leaders of Color, faced challenges learning about her history. Like many of us, her story is a mixture of different cultures from colonizers to those they colonized. This combination of contradictions on the surface required her to find compassion for herself in her story. She's is now helping others do that and find a sense of grounding by connecting to their ancestors. This discussion is filled with a lot of lessons from Sandra's experiences that all of us can apply in our daily lives.You will learn:
We are all a combination of contradictions at some level and we have to give ourselves compassion to be ok with that so that we are able to heal through our story.
To seek ways to de-stress as you can't help others fully if you are in your own world of stress.
That we should prepare to deal with failure by developing the tools to fail because failure is required to ultimately succeed.
You can follow Sandra's story at:LinkedIn / WildWomenLeadersOfColor.com
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