EP 135
Connecting Dots
with Rishad Tobaccowala
Matt Story | 10/29/2023
Rishad Tobaccowala wears multiple hats including author, speaker, teacher and advisor. With over four decades of experience helping people, teams and organizations reinvent themselves, he has a wealth of knowledge on brand building, leadership and innovation. What is most impressive isn't that he is willing to share that knowledge for free via a number of platforms BUT that he continues to be curious and learn about the evolving landscape of brands, technology and people. This discussion with him to learn about his journey is jam packed with insights that will benefit you no matter your role or tenure. Listen to this episode to learn how Rishad developed his superpower of reinvention.You will learn:
how connecting dots in new ways can be your competitive advantage.
to expand your skillset operating as a company of one while being successful thinking about the company of others.
the current de-bossification of the workplace requires leaders to be able to build, make or create in order to deliver value to organizations and team members.
You can follow Rishad's story at:Rishad's Substack / Rishad's Top 100 pieces curated
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