EP 111
Culture Transformation
with Khalilah Olokunola
Matt Story | 5/7/2023
Khalilah Olokunola, author, speaker and founder of ReEngineering HR, has become a transformational HR leader through her own path. KO, as she is also known, unlocked her potential to help others when she recognized her purpose was more important than her pride. This led to utilizing her unique lived experiences and understanding of marginalized communities to form bridges to that help people reach their goals. Listen to her story to hear how she also found her purpose through the pain of losing her parents.You will learn:
Education doesn't just take place in a classroom.
To reach your full potential when you see your purpose is more important than your pride.
Where you start doesn't dictate where you finish because you can only fail if you stop trying.
Follow KO's story at:Instagram (@KhalilahEquips) / Twitter (@KhalilahEquips) / Facebook (@KhalilahEquips) / LinkedIn / ReEngineeringHR.com
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