EP 121
Curiosity and Love
with Frances West
Matt Story | 7/16/2023
Frances West has followed her superpower of curiosity and love to pave a remarkable journey so far. From coming to the US as an exchange student in an all male school to becoming first ever IBM's Chief Accessibility Officer, Frances is a trailblazer. She's remained focus on the outcomes she's looking to deliver to find the path that maybe didn't exist before her. After graduating from IBM after a 37 year career, she's in her next season helping global clients execute transformative initiatives. Listen to her story to hear how she guides organizations to drive innovation through authentic inclusion.You will learn:
having an intentional focus on outcomes can take "no's" from yourself and others off the table.
that we all need to take time to think about who we are and what we want to say.
to seek to be patient with other people's emotions especially when they don't align to how you would feel.
You can follow Frances' story at:LinkedIn / FrancesWest.co / Twitter
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