EP 83
Curiosity to Travel
with Rickkay King
Matt Story | 9/18/2022
Rickkay King, Co-Founder and Director at Phoenix International School of the Arts, knew that he would see what else is out there beyond his neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago. He didn't know that education would be his key to unlocking many of those experiences traveling the world. His journey is one filled with entering new environments that enabled him to develop new "muscles" and find his superpower of helping others shine a light on their own maps to discover new places.You will learn:
why to follow your curiosity even when you may not know where it's going.
being the first to go out of the comfort zone can open the world for others to do the same.
not to underestimate your impact and what you can start to make a generational change.
Connect with Rickkay at:Pisota.org / Facebook / IG / Twitter / hello@pisota.org
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