EP 119
Driving Transformation
with Charlene Li
Matt Story | 7/2/2023
Charlene Li has spent her career constantly reinventing but this is by design as she has focused on what's new, what's different and what's she's curious about throughout. You can trace this back to her childhood were she was very curious as witnessed by her spending the summer following 4th grade reading the entire encyclopedia. However, she did recognize that as an Asian women in business, she would have to go to places that others wouldn't want to go. This became a competitive advantage for overtime her as she found her purpose to catalyze transformation that maximizes human potential. Listen to this episode to hear more about her story and how we might all learn how to thrive through change.What you will learn:
to think about your career in rolling 18 month increments to focus you on what you can affect in the near term and give flexibility for opportunities in the longer term.
the importance of seeking to be a leader by focusing on the change you can directly impact and don't need permission to achieve.
to become more comfortable being uncomfortable through regularly seeking adventure in your daily regimen and running experiments to learn new things.
Follow Charlene's story at:LinkedIn / CharleneLi.com
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