EP 41
Excelling Through America's Conditional Acceptance
with Joe Oh
Matt Story | 4/11/2021
Joe Oh, marketing executive, came to the US at the age of 3 but shares that he had his first original thought much later when he realized he didn't want to follow the successful upward mobile path his family had created. Joe stumbled into a career in advertising and marketing that would ultimately help him find his personal brief of "Shared Creative Joy". In our conversation, Joe also opens up about his lived experiences growing up in Koreatown through today experiencing the spike in violence against the AAPI community. Listen to his story to hear how he navigated the corporate ladder and become more human along the way.
Episode References:
- Frederick Douglass Biography by David Blight
- Caste: The Origins of Discontent by Isabel Wilkerson
- Tribe Called Quest - Scenario
3 Stories Joe would want to hear:
2) Maternal Grandmother
3) Grandfather's Twin Brother
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