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EP 89

Freedom to Create

with Brenda Harrington

Matt Story  | 10/30/2022

Brenda Harrington, Certified Executive Coach and founder of Adaptive Leadership Strategies LLC, didn't have a specific profession she aspired to when she was growing up. However, she did recognize very early on that she wanted to have freedom and more specifically the freedom to create. She initially achieved this through fashion and design before having the opportunity to begin her corporate career. That career led her to recognize her potential to help leaders through coaching. Listen to her story to hear how the social injustices of 2020 led her to becoming an author. 

You will learn:

  • that growth and progress require you being a steward of your circumstances.

  • how to take on risk by asking "What is the worst that could happen?"

  • to remember that life isn't a dress rehearsal.

Connect with Brenda at:IG / AdaptiveLeadershipStrategies / Access Denied Book

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