EP 108
Heart Work
with Alisha Johnson Wilder
Matt Story | 4/16/2023
Alisha Johnson Wilder is the Director of the Racial Equity and Justice Initiative at Apple and also leads external engagement for Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives which is a big job. She describes her many contributions to the organization as the "Heart Work". After going through her journey, it isn't that surprising how she collected the experience and understanding to deliver impact across her professional and personal life. Listen to this convo to hear how she built foundational skills to serve her throughout her career and develop her superpower to thrive in chaos.
You will learn:
the benefits of proactively seeking change to get to the next step in your journey.
having proximity to the challenges you are facing is the best way to learn, understand and activate solutions.
that anger can be leveraged in productive and necessary ways.
You can follow Alisha's story at:Apple Racial Equity and Justice Initiatives
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