EP 124
Illuminating Stories
with Victoria Tollossa
Matt Story | 8/13/2023
Victoria Tollossa, Founder & CEO of Illume, could be found trying to monetize her ideas as early as being 7 years old. Her journey from growing up as the one of the few kids of color in Ukraine to starting a career in the music industry has helped her with being comfortable in environments where she doesn't know anyone. Along the way, she recognized the power of developing and using storytelling to build a strong personal brand. She's now using her unique experiences to help entrepreneurs and executives stand out through their personal stories. Check out our full conversation to hear how Whitney Houston inspired her to literally find her voice.You will learn:
to prioritize life in your journey and it will all work out in the end.
it can be just as important to find out what you don't want as what you do want.
to be strategic in the stories you tell to build your brand.
You can follow Victoria's story on:LinkedIn
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