EP 72
Leadership is a Lifestyle
with Melissa Dawn Simkins
Matt Story | 7/3/2022
Melissa Dawn Simkins, CEO & Founder of Velvet Suite, has always known that she was meant to be in a position that was meaningful and would make an impact. Even though she wasn't sure what that would look like early in her career, she was willing to make sacrifices to ensure she met that end goal. The First Lady of Personal Branding is on the path to help other find their mission, purpose and value in order to quantify their unique value. Her story is one that inspires all of us to to authentically reflect externally who we are internally.
You will learn:
the importance of taking time to observe life and make sure you aren't just on the life treadmill going through the motions.
how to activate self ally ship and personal advocacy in your personal life.
how you can design your life to help achieve your goals and share with others to help along the way.
Connect with Melissa at:Facebook / LinkedIn / IG / She Suite
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