EP 57
Learning From the Beauty in your Failures
with Maxwell Griffin
Matt Story | 10/3/2021
Maxwell Griffin, host of the Your Black Friend podcast, has found the beauty in failing on multiple occasions. He transitioned from his first passion of Soccer to his next passion in creative & storytelling through a focus on building a network that opened doors and also helped him learn from the experiences of others. He describes his super power as making the things more human which is probably one of the most needed and transferable skills many of us could seek to gain. His story is filled with a lot of ups and downs but I can promise you'll take away lessons from his journey pursuing his passion for playing professional soccer, breaking into the creative "real world" and starting a podcast to help others overcome the feelings of being uncomfortable with race.
Episode References:
This Joy by the Resistance Revival Chorus
3 Stories Maxwell would want to hear:
His Great Grandma - Mama Bird
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