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EP 24

Lending Privilege as a Black Man

with Anjuan Simmons

Matt Story | 9/27/2020

Anjuan Simmons, Engineering Coach at Help Scout, was drawn to his career path as an engineer thanks to seeing himself in Geordi La Forge, Starship Engineer from the TV Series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Through collecting a wealth of experiences throughout his career as an engineer, he realized the need to lend the privileges he had acquired to others. In our discussion, he touches on his belief that inclusion is coming no matter what we do teams, organizations and companies so those that truly invest will be better served when it arrives. He also shares a great parent tip he used this summer to strengthen his relationship with his children.

Episode References:

Star Trek: The Next Generation -

Lavar Burton - 

Cargo Cult Programming -,that%20serve%20no%20real%20purpose.&text=Such%20obsessive%20checks%20make%20the,cause%20of%20a%20misbehaving%20program

Encyclopedia Britannica -

The Underground Railroad Records -

3 Stories Anjuan would want to hear:

1) Williams Still -

2) Frederick Douglass -

3) John P Parker -

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