EP 57
Making a Name for Yourself Through Storytelling
with Jerry Won
Leadership, Entrepreneurship
Matt Story | 9/12/2021
Jerry Won, CEO & Founder of Just Like Media, didn't start off as Jerry but he has made a name for himself and built a legacy for his family along the way. His family came to the U.S. and like many immigrants practiced assimilation to fit in including taking on American names. Lucky for us though he didn't continue trying to fit in as he sought to blaze his own trail and find what he could uniquely do in his own career. As a dope storyteller, you'll enjoy listening to his pivots in life and learning from how he bet on himself as the "product".Episode References:- Management Leaders for Tomorrow (MLT)- The Consortium- Toigo Foundation- Forte- Riordan Programs (UCLA)- Just Like MediaConnect with Jerry at:WebsiteLinkedIn
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