EP 144
Moving the Story Forward
with Vernon Beckford
Entrepreneurship, Leadership
Matt Story | 1/28/2024
Vernon Beckford, CEO of Diversified Lending Solutions, shares his journey from childhood hearing he would do big things to becoming a successful executive in that brought the story to fruition. He discusses the impact of his upbringing, education, and early career experiences on his professional growth. Vernon highlights the importance of connecting with people and building strong relationships throughout his journey as a superpower. He also emphasizes the significance of self-advocacy and the role it played on his way to CEO. He concludes by discussing the transformative effects of husbandhood and fatherhood on his life.You will learn:
the power of having a support system that believes in your early on.
there is an unlock in recognizing the role you play in the larger story of your ancestors and being able to step into it to bring the story forward to new heights.
to benefit from both the internal confidence you develop and the external confidence that those surrounding you provide.
You can follow Vernon's story at:LinkedIn / Diversified Lending Solutions Website / Email - Vernon.Beckford@dlsloans.com
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