EP 91
Non-negotiable Values
with Patrice Ford Lyn
Matt Story | 11/13/2022
Patrice Ford Lyn, CEO and Founder of Catapult Change, has always been a coach for most of her life and it just took knowing that coaching was a profession for her to monetize it. Many are lucky that she made that realization as she has helped them transform their lives and organizations. She credits her impressive journey and accomplishments to her family as their shared values were deeply entrenched and non-negotiable. Listen to her story to learn how she has developed her superpower of creating safety for others to live their best lives.
You will learn:
how family values that are entrenched and non-negotiable can shape your path with the wisdom of your elders.
importance of having safety to enable true transformation of people and organizations.
how the person you choose to marry is the most important decision in your life.
Connect with Patrice at:CatapultChange.com / LinkedIn / Audacity Newsletter
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