EP 116
On the Journey
with Morgan Ingram
Matt Story | 6/11/2023
Morgan Ingram, Founder of Ascension Media Productions, has been comfortable doing a lot of different things since he was a little one. His entrepreneurial spirit wasn't always received as such in school but he did find teachers who helped frame his interest within freedom guardrails. This set him on a journey where he may not have known the destination but he did have confidence in following his gut as he learned more about himself. He now finds himself in the enviable position of designing a life around the things he loves to do and helping organizations move beyond the traditional view of marketing and sales. Listen to his story to hear how you can learn so much through evolving as a person.You will learn:
leaning into what you makes you stand out can be your key to being successful.
focusing on what you are consistently interested in learning more about will help you stay at the top of your game and never feel like you have arrived as you remain in learning mode.
to build anything, you will need discipline, rigor and intention (thanks Kobe for this).
You can follow Morgan's story at:LinkedIn / MorganJIngram.com Newsletter / YouTube / Twitter / IG
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