EP 63
Power of Collaboration
with Michelle Gethers-Clark
Matt Story | 5/1/2022
Michelle Gethers-Clark, Chief Diversity Officer & Head of Corporate Responsibility at Visa, knows first hand the importance of being put in the right rooms. Her story doesn't stop there though. She recognizes the responsibility to pay it forward and help put others into the right rooms as well. She describes herself as a collection of everything and everyone she has encountered on her journey and recognizes she has been at her best when surrounded by all different types of people and work experiences. Finally, it's an inspiration to see how her commitment to helping people reach their dreams and goals has created ripple effects on the lives of so many people (myself included) that will last for generations to come.
You will learn:
How she learned and adopted the life mantra that people follow character and not tiles.
How the diversity of her lived experiences showed her the power of collaboration and not having to always be right.
How her early mentors (even though they didn't call themselves that) put her in the right rooms so that she could find her voice.
Connect with Michelle at:The Next Level (Her Book) / LinkedIn
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