EP 85
Richness of Blackness
with Dr. Crystal Menzies
Matt Story | 10/2/2022
Dr. Crystal Menzies, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer of EmancipatED, recalls spending a lot of time in the library while growing up. She had her world changed when she finished a book on ancient Egypt. From that point on, she knew she wanted to pursue a career that allowed her to be curious about the world. As she learned more about the world and more specifically Black history, she wanted to share that with future generations so that they would feel empowered by their ancestors. As with many of us, it wasn't a straight path but her journey is filled with inspiration to seek ways to do all the things that disrupt previous limiting ways of thinking.
You will learn:
how books build bridges to other worlds and allow you to experience diverse cultures and lives.
that unique perspectives can be turned into superpowers and allow you to see things that other people don't see.
taking the step of putting theories into action is not easy but we all possess the power to make an impact when we do.
Connect with Crystal at:EmancipatED / IG
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