EP 11
Searching the World to See Yourself in Academia
with Megan Ming Francis, PHD
Matt Story | 7/21/2020
Megan Ming Francis, PhD, was raised knowing that she would grow up in a color based society by her Chinese mother and Jamaican father. Her connection with two black professors in undergrad set her career on its trajectory to be a leading academic voice in civil rights, politics and capitalism. She also understood the responsibility of using her acquired power to help make systems more equitable for all people in her community.
Episode References:
Megan's book, Civil Rights and the Making of the Modern American State - https://www.polisci.washington.edu/research/publications/civil-rights-and-making-modern-american-state
3 Stories Megan would want to hear:
1)Pauli Murray - https://paulimurrayproject.org/pauli-murray/biography/
2)Elaine Brown - http://www.elainebrown.org/
3)Walter White - https://www.biography.com/activist/walter-white
Learn more about Megan at www.meganming.com
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