EP 110
Seeds of Discovery
with David Tswamuno
Matt Story | 4/30/2023
David Tswamuno, Managing Partner at Fairbridge Park, has found success in combining his learned technical skills with his lived perspectives of service. His pursuit of the American Dream got off to a challenging start as he encountered a significant amount of translation after coming to the US for college. Throughout those initial challenges, he discovered the seeds of who he was a person and the traits that made up his character. This discovery has proven invaluable as his journey finds him leading his firm to execute on its mission of partnering with entrepreneurs tackling meaningful societal problems. Listen to this pod to hear how David uses his superpower of resiliency to produce optimistic viewpoints.You will learn:
there is always the opportunity to continually broaden your perspective and thinking no matter the subject.
that service can be a foundational guide in any profession you choose.
the impact of running beyond the physical benefits.
You can follow David's story at:Fairbridge Park / LinkedIn
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