EP 45
Seeking Answers Through Allyship
with Sharon Lee Thony & Raman Sehgal
Matt Story | 5/9/2021
Fellow podcasters and friends, Sharon Lee Thony & Raman Sehgal, return to the show to help examine what we all can do to come together as different communities that continue to feel the pain of systemic racism and social injustices. The hosts of Modern Minorities Podcast break down how we can take the pain(s) that we are collectively feeling and turn them into something that drives systemic change. While they host a podcast through the lens of their lived experiences as Asian Americans, they share how they see their show as more of an American podcast that represents the wide array of voices within this country. Also - You should listen to hear our potentially billion dollar idea that comes up during the discussion that we hope someone sets out to build ASAP.
Episode References:
- Modern Minorities Podcast on Asian American Violence
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Learning From Justice Toolkit
- Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)
- Asian Pacific Environmental Network
- Next Shark - https://nextshark.com/
- Warrior - HBO Max series
- Ramy - Hulu
- Never have I ever - Netflix
- Good Talk - graphic novel
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