EP 117
Servant Leadership
with Cari Gushiken
Matt Story | 6/18/2023
Cari Gushiken is a dynamic storyteller thanks to her early time being surround by all things creative and understanding it was important to tap into what you love, are good at and have a passion to explore. Lucky for us and a number of tech companies like Adobe, Visa and Workday, she has tapped into her superpower of human connection to build communications that spark hyper growth and navigate transitions. Throughout her journey, it has always been important that she be seen as an individual and not a pre-conceived stereotype of Asian American Women. Her journey is filled with lots of inspiration on creativity, connection and community.You will learn:
that you have to remember we are all humans working with other humans.
the significance of being able to see your kids' eyes light up when you walk in the room.
not to define yourself by your job or title no matter how passionate you are about it.
You can follow Cari's story at:LinkedIn
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