EP 97
Shared Humanity
with Victoria Albina
Matt Story | 1/29/2023
Victoria Albina, Nurse Practitioner and Master Certified Life Coach, believes her work is all about meeting people where they are today with love, care, compassion and grace. She also is able to do this by focusing on what each individual needs to unlock access to healing that enables them to live better lives. Many of the approaches she takes are based on her own first hand experience with illnesses, anxiety and perfectionist thinking. Listen to this discussion to learn how her journey gave her the tools to face unhealed stressors in herself and so many others.
You will learn:
How to she connects with people through balancing the science and the sacred to meet people where they are on their journey.
That our mindsets can limit us when they include perfectionism, codependency and people pleasing thought habits.
The importance of raising our voices to use the privileges that we have collected.
Connect with Victoria at:IG / Free Meditations / Coaching Program / Feminist Wellness Podcast
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