EP 129
Social Responsibility
with Corissa Hernandez
Matt Story | 9/17/2023
Corissa Hernandez wears a lot of hats as the co-founder and visionary of Legacy Full Circle Financial & Insurance Services, The Empire Tavern, House of Xelas, and Nativo HLP. However, she consistently creates impact and uplifts her community no matter the role she is playing. She credits her success to having parents that built a strong sense of pride in being from Mexico and allowing life to guide her to where she was supposed to be even if it wasn't in her plan. Throughout her journey, she has felt a responsibility to pave the way for those in her community to have resources and information needed to thrive as entrepreneurs. Listen to her story to be inspired by someone who has turned their passion into a superpower that helps overcome all challenges. You will learn:
Pivoting is a skill you can build which will help you no matter where your journey takes you.
A morning routine that you are able to follow consistently can set you up for success each day.
Finding your authentic lane will help you to stand out and makes it easier for your tribe to find you.
You can follow Corissa's story at:IG / CorissaHernandez.com
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