EP 118
Spirit of Graciousness
with Glenn Sandifer
Matt Story | 6/25/2023
Glenn Sandifer has discovered that what makes you successful in your career can at times be in conflict with what it takes to be successful in your relationships. He pulls from his first hand experience to give insights on how to effectively navigate this in his book, The Middle Ground. But author is only one of the hats that Glenn wears. He's also a strategist, executive, husband and father. The one thing that was consistent throughout our discussion is how he approaches all of those with a spirt of graciousness. Listen to our conversation to hear more about Glenn's journey.You will learn:
that figuring out how to sell through telling your story can help you as a sales leader and beyond.
making decisions based on the life you want to live in the future will help you more than deciding based on where you have been previously or even today.
that being a leader is a privilege that allows you to not only impact individuals but to impact households.
You can follow Glenn's Story at:TheMiddleGroundBook.com / Facebook / TikTok / YouTube / IGBuy his book at: Amazon
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