EP 136
Success on Your Terms
with Alice Sesay Pope
Matt Story | 11/5/2023
Alice Sesay Pope, Vice President, Global Device, Digital and Alexa Support at Amazon, has a proven track record of being successful. She has really set herself apart as she discovered how to not only win but to win on her terms. This includes using her superpower of delivering results in a way where people at all levels feel good about it. All that said, her journey has not been easy as she has sought to overcome challenges and inaccurate narratives about her skillset and capabilities. Listen to this episode to hear how she has remained a curious learner that continues to mature as a leader despite a wealth of experience driving transformation in larger organizations.You will learn:
the importance of having a foundation of confidence built by your family and community celebrating you early in life to take on the challenges of future environments where that isn't the case.
to evaluate whether your involvement in effforts is worth it before saying yes or no in personal and professional endeavors.
that you can get the win on your terms.
Follow more of Alice's story at:LinkedIn
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