EP 77
The Beauty of Change
with Cora Miller
Matt Story | 8/7/2022
Cora Miller, Co-Founder and CEO of Young King Hair Care, has always understood that it is ok to move on to your next interest. Her journey has benefited from this understanding as she's collected valuable lived experiences that pair nicely with her superpower of being a hustler. From working in a school wearing multiple hats to navigating the corporate world of healthcare, she's been a CEO in training for many years. Lucky for us and many young black and brown boys, she's focusing her energy on changing the narrative of the beauty industry. Check out our conversation to hear what it was like to go in front of the sharks on ABC's Shark Tank and to get the call from Target and Walmart that they want to carry your products.
You will learn:
Finding what you don't like is potentially more important than finding what you do like in your career journey.
Power of legacy and bringing your children into your journey so they understand the reasons behind your decisions personally and professionally.
What can happen when you aren't just a team of one and can accept the support that comes from your tribe.
Connect with Cora at:IG /FB / Tik Tok / Twitter / Young King Hair Care / Cora@youngkinghaircare.com
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