EP 99
What is Black History (Month) with Gen Z
Matt Story
Matt Story | 2/12/2023
For the 100th episode of What's Your Story podcast, I took a moment to reflect on the previous 99 discussions and how they have impacted my journey. Also, I invited a few of the brilliant minds in my tribe that happen to be members of Gen Z to share their perspectives on what Black History month means to them and how they are creating Black History. This episode is a dual celebration of the podcast and the bright future we have coming to us thanks to the next generation of leaders.
You will learn:
Wisdom is not directly linked to age or experience.
We have more work to do to fully recognize the contributions of Black people to the larger world.
Gen Z is not just about scrolling TikTok videos and we have so much we can learn from them.
Connect with these leaders at:Raven's podcast Diversify Her
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